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Showing posts with label renew a regristration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label renew a regristration. Show all posts

Jul 28, 2016

This blog may be Moooooving

I am having horrible trouble updating my payment info to renew my registration subscription to Google Apps for this blog,  which I currently own and purchased via Blogger.   
I am having horrible experiences trying to follow the help process in which you can now not use Google Wallet to pay for this as we use to. 

In case I don't figure it out, I am thinking of redirecting this blog to wordpress (if i can figure that out!) Or I may have to end up just having to type in:
to find new posts.

I am at my wits end when Wordpress tells me to map my DNS from Blogger to them with this:

because I can find nowhere at all on blogger to input these changes.

If you have also had any dealings with this, please let me know how you did it.

So just giving a heads up in case my subscription ends and I have not figured out how to simply update a "RENEW A SUBSCRIPTION" with Blogger. I have however, found the Update your payment options and have done that. But an email from Blogger says I must checkmark the auto renew also, which is hidden somewhere to me, lol.

Thanks, Lisa