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Apr 13, 2015

Comments Are My Reward | Award Free Blog

I am so happy and honored that people have considered my blog to be award worthy.  And especially happy that they have taken time out to nominate me for such awards. 
But sadly I must decline.

It's not that I don't love getting these awards. It is the rules that come along with them.  I often feel pressured to "pass this award on" and to link back to ____"  It kind of makes me feel like I am caught up in a chain letter of such.

So for those simple reasons I am declaring my blog an Award Free Blog.  Please do not have hard feelings for this decision.  As I am grateful for anyone taking time to read, comment and sending me those awards.  It's just that I don't like the chain letter feeling.  So I must pass, but with a kind heart.

Comments are my reward!

I have used a Badge Generator to create this free badge below.  And also including an html link box below it if you too wish to designate your blog an award free blog.


  1. Hi Lisa, I am also an award free blog. Although I was also honored, I found it difficult to keep up with the linking, too. xo Karen

    1. Hi Beatrice!
      Yes, to keep up with the linking and nominating others is worrysome to me. (They also may not want to be nominated and I might not know.)
      It was great to be nominated but I felt it just wasn't something I'd enjoy participating in.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I am with you! I love that people want to visit and comment on my blog, but no awards please!

    1. Yes, I love the comments and visits but those awards just seem too hard to deal with.

  3. If comments are your award, then here is an award. I really enjoy your blog. You have some great ideas and, I admit, I have copied some of them already and will probably copy more. Here in Memphis, Tn, I don't have access to tobacco sticks, but if I can find a substitute I plan on making a chair. Again, love your blog

    1. Hi Janet! Thanks so much for the kind words.
      I'm so glad to hear you are trying some of these posts. That is the main reason I like to share them, so others try them out too.
      Hum, i thought down in TN there would be plenty of tobacco sticks too. I guess my part of the woods is so full of them, I thought everybody had'em.
      Can you get ahold of those flat slat boards? I've seen lots of similar items made out of those. They kinda look like yardsticks or so. I'll gather up a photo in a few days from the Peddlers Mall and show you.
      Thanks again for stopping in and commenting! I love hearing about people reading the things I put up! And especially trying them!!

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I love comments! Let me know you stopped by, please. Happy Crafting! ~Lisa