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Aug 27, 2015


Do you have a cute, vintage, wooden ironing board sitting around like this?

Want to spruce it up a bit with a touch of country?
Well, if so, take a look at this idea I had.
Well, to be honest, my Aunt Marlene told me one day about an idea she had had and I kinda took it from there. And here's how it went.

I had bought a saying on jute twine for hanging that said "SIMPLIFY."  And I had it hanging behind my wood and coal, cast iron stove. I loved it there.  
Well, last visit from my aunt, she said that it would look real cute if I put that on my plain, wooden ironing board sitting beside it.

And that's what I did.
I started cutting the letters off the jute twine

and placing them on the ironing board with tape for temporary spacing. 

Then after I was happy with the positioning, I used some E-6000 glue and glued on tiny drops to hold them in place. Just a tad bit of that stuff goes a long way. And by using a little bit, it will be easier to remove if I ever decide to change it up a bit.

And don't worry, if you don't have any of these type of letters or words around, you can easily make some.

Here's how I do it.

I take those foam trays that you get from the deli with sliced cheese or sandwich meats on, and save them.

And just cut you out some lettering from that.
 If you can't draw them, print you some out from Microsoft Word and trace them out.
And then just cover it in whatever type of left over fabric, with glue, you have sitting around.  I save all my scraps for little projects like this.
To glue the fabric on, I just use a bit of hot glue.  It's quick and easy and you won't have to wait for it to dry like the E-6000.

But I went ahead and used the ones I already had, here's a close up of them.
And continued to glue them on my board.

And I made sure to leave it laying on it's back, to dry, for about 24 hours or so.
I'm sure it would dry quicker, but this is strong glue and takes a while to dry.

And here it is so much cuter!

A really simple and cheap fix to spruce up those plain, wooden ironing boards!

See ya'll next time!


  1. Ingenious way to make the letter cut outs! I have never seen a wooden ironing board over here but yours looks fantastic!

    1. Hi Christine! Thanks so much. We have tons of the older wooden ones still floating around at estate sales and such. They were sadly put out of style though by the metal ones.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Amy,
      wow, i didn't know they weren't a common thing. I just thought they were old. The metal ones kinda put them out of style around here, but they are still easily found at estate sales and auctions now.

  3. I love this idea and the cut-out letters are great!

    1. Hi Beatrice,
      Thank you! The cut outs of the foam is so super cheap too! :-)
      It works great for me.
      Thanks for stopping by!


I love comments! Let me know you stopped by, please. Happy Crafting! ~Lisa